My intention has always been to use my gifts by being in service, and adding positive energy to people's homes and hearts. To me, our homes should be our peaceful, healing sanctuaries. Everything is energy so surrounding ourselves with positive messages and beautiful art can elevate a space and that's what it's all about for me. Interior decor and art tell a story about who we are and is a great way to express ourselves creatively. I love surrounding myself with beauty, whether it's second-hand treasures that I found, items that hold special meaning or beautiful uplifting art.

Most of my inspiration comes from spiritual connection and all of the magic that it brings. I’m really drawn to our indigenous ancestors and their wisdom, our connection to nature and animals, and messages from Spirit that come in many forms like feathers and hearts. You may find small hearts hidden in some of my pieces as well as hidden messages of love. (You can read about the significance of the photos of heart-shaped stones here in my blog post.)
A lot of my inspiration also comes from the shifts and awakening that our collective consciousness is experiencing and the great potential that we all have to evolve and heal. I believe we're all being called to remember our true nature and our oneness with each other and with all life. If I can contribute to that change through spreading messages of love and peace, that is a huge blessing and I’m so grateful.
I've had the pleasure of meeting some of my customers in person and hearing how my art has affected them, which is so amazing. Here are some beautiful examples...
- A high school teacher bought a few of my prints to hang in her classroom so students can be inspired by and learn from the messages. Wowzers, how powerful is that?!!
- A guy who became more aware after being in a profession that was damaging to our planet, bought one my prints that spoke to caring for our Earth.
- A young woman asked if she could give me a hug after looking at one of my prints that moved her so much.
- A mother and her young daughter bought one of my prints that speaks to not judging others based on their appearance. The little girl was very drawn to it and the meaning behind it, feeling the same way about kids in her class.
All heart-warming experiences that I’m so grateful to have had!